By donating to L2Diamond, you acknowledge that all donations are voluntary contributions to support the server. These donations are non-refundable under any circumstances, including but not limited to: account suspensions, loss of items, or dissatisfaction with the game.
Donations may provide in-game rewards, but these rewards are purely virtual and remain the property of L2Diamond. Donating does not grant ownership rights over any server content, accounts, or assets.
Donations do not provide immunity from server rules, special treatment, or administrative influence. All players, including donors, are subject to the same game policies and disciplinary actions.
Attempting a chargeback, dispute, or fraudulent transaction will result in an immediate and permanent account ban. We take fraud seriously, and chargebacks will result in legal action if necessary.
We do not store or share sensitive payment information. Donations are processed securely through third-party payment providers, and we only keep basic transaction logs for verification purposes.
By donating, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms. If you do not agree, please do not proceed with the donation.